Welcome to the Africana Studies family!

Our students enjoy learning about themselves, the secrets of life, and a just world for Black people and all people from professors who are serious about caring for you throughout your time here. 

Why Is Africana Studies Significant?

Black students gain a strong sense of who they are and the significant contributions their African ancestors made and continue to make to American and world history. 

Non-Black students come to appreciate the history and culture of their Black classmates and future co-workers, empowering them to be informed allies in the long struggle for racial justice. 

It is a basic assumption of Africana Studies that when Black people globally achieve true and unqualified freedom as equal human beings, many other injustices will start to unravel.

What Is Unique About Africana Studies?

Africana Studies is multidisciplinary, therefore students learn about Black liberation through the lenses of psychology, criminal justice, political science, history, literature, philosophy, dance, art, and fashion. 

Students studying Africana Studies learn about issues of critical importance to African and African-descended people from their own perspectives, not Eurocentric perspectives.

Naila Ansari

Faculty Focus

  • Marcus Watson, coordinator of the program, will teach you the true history of Black people, what mental health looks like from an African psychological perspective, and all about African cultures. 
  • Naila Ansari (pictured) demonstrates how Black folks have used their artistic genius (dance, music, etc.) to fight white supremacy and honor their African ancestors. 
  • Douglas Hoston will help you explore how to eliminate anti-Black biases from our educational system.
  • John Torrey’s philosophy lectures will help you think thoughts you never dared to think before about humanity, race, and the earth. 
Meet Our Faculty